Each piece in the ARTIFACT collection is inspired by a significant historical object from a museum archive.

We soften brutal chainmail from medieval warfare, combining it with the sweet domestic charm of folk art by adding cast pewter stars - the 8-pointed kind traditionally found on quilts. Our bud vase is constructed by splicing two 16th-century halberds (axe-like weapons), which we've softened by adding German tapestry patterns from the same era, in the form of UV-printed clear varnish, to the surface of the steel. Our Crown of Thorns mirrors and lamps update the lost art of "Tramp Art," a depression-era style of woodworking pioneered by traveling salesmen. While these outsider artists used old cigar boxes and discarded wood, we use stainless steel - again combining a sweet and folksy reference with a more masculine and arresting material. 

We offer a range of custom finishes for both the chainmail and laser-cut stainless steel pieces, and are excited to collaborate with clients to make entirely new objects as well.

Stay tuned for iterations of this collection to come.

12 products